Dear Friend
My name is Abiodun and what you’re about to discover will change the way you think about your treating fibroids forever.
Here's just a few examples of the kind of results:
Pregnant In 3 Months After Taking
FibroidClear & Body Cleanse!!
I have been trying to conceive for 2 years with no success. My doctor told me that my fibroids so big they were stopping me from getting pregnant, and I would never have a child unless I had surgery.
I didn't like what he was saying, so I searched the internet for natural treatments for fibroids. I found FibroidClear and looked at all the testimonials, everything looked good so I ordered FibroidClear and the Body Cleanse Kit.
It arrived very quickly and I began to take it. Within 3 months of taking them, my period stopped, so I took a pregnancy test.
I WAS PREGNANT!!! I am so happy!!
My latest scan showed that the fibroid had shrunk to the size of an egg, and the pregnancy is going really well. I'm now Fibroid Clean to keep the fibroid small while I am pregnant.
I am recommending FibroidClear to all of my friends who have fibroids. I have a friend in Haiti who was supposed to have surgery in June, but I have paid for FibroidClear to be sent to her, so she can have the same results as me.
Thank you so much!
Fatima, 35, from Kwara State
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The Fibroids Pain Felt Like I Was Going To Die
But FibroidClear Gives Me Beautiful Periods Now!
I have 4cm fibroid at the bottom of my uterus which caused me a lot of pain.
Every my period started, I would have to stay in bed for 2 to 3 days: the pain was so bad, I thought I was going to die! No painkiller or drug could help me with that pain.
I also use to get a Urinary Tract Infection every month, and I couldn't even pee. There was one month where the pain and inflammation got so bad, I could not pee at all for days.
When I went to see my Naturopathic Doctor about my periods, he told me that the fibroids were the cause, and he recommended FibroidClear.
I have been taking it for 3 months and it's helped me a lot. I now have beautiful periods... no pain, no inflammation, no cramping.
Thank you so much.
Emma Julianah, Edo, Nigeria
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FibroidClear Helped Me Get Pregnant... After A Miscarriage and A Failed Myomectomy
May name is Eve Abbey and I am 37 years old. I found out I had fibroids when I was trying to get pregnant and it was taking some time.
They found multiple large fibroids in an ultrasound, which the doctor said was preventing me from getting pregnant. I had a myomectomy in October 2007 to take them out, but I was bleeding so much during the surgery, they ended it quickly and left 2 smaller ones in my uterus.
I was in hospital for almost 3 weeks, and I had to spend 12 weeks at home recovering, due to complications. I got pregnant in February 2008, but at 20 weeks, I found I was bleeding and losing fluid. By the time I got to the hospital, I had had a miscarriage. They did a dilation and cuterage at the hospital. I went for a scan after the miscarriage, and they found that a new fibroid had grown, so I realized the fibroids might getting worse.
That’s when I started with FibroidClear, as it was recommended by Shola Oslo, a kinesiologist. I must say, when I saw the price, I thought it wsa too expensive, but my husband insisted that I get it.
I ordered 2 bottles, and found that FibroidClear regulated my periods. They used to be very irregular before and my cycle would last as many as 32, 45, 52 days.
FibroidClear also helped reduce my period pain, and I was about to order some more, when I found I missed my period, I got bloated and my breasts were heavy. I was pregnant!
I confirmed the pregnancy with my GP. It’s great!
My husband always tells me life is more important than clothes and other material things, so if you need to spend some money to make yourself feel good, you should go for it. I am so glad I did!!!
Eve Abbey
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My Terrible Symptoms Were Gone After 1 Bottle And I Avoided A Hysterectomy
My name is Achille I am 39 years old. I noticed something was wrong with me when my periods used to be so heavy and my belly was so big - I looked 6 months pregnant and could not get rid of it, even though I went to the gym. I looked online to see what those symptoms meant, and I found out it could be fibroids.
My GP (General Practitioner) sent me for a scan, and they found 4 large fibroids in my uterus. No-one wanted to explain anything to me properly. All they told me was that I had 4 fibroids and I needed a hysterectomy.
It was not a good solution for me because I'm married and I want to have children. I was also so afraid of the surgery because a friend back home had died during her hysterectomy last December. I just ran away from the doctor and decided to find something else on my own.
That's when I came across your website. I was looking for a natural treatment for fibroids, and your website was very impressive. After listening to how other women shrunk their fibroids, I ordered.
I've been taking FibroidClear for 3 weeks now, and I found the results fantastic. For the first time in 2 years I had no pain during menstruation. I used to have to stay in bed for a week each month, because of the heavy bleeding, intense pain and lack of energy. But after taking FibroidClear I was active during my period, and spent no days in bed at all.
I'm really, really happy with FibroidClear and I would recommend it to anyone who would like to shrink fibroids. I feel like I have my life back, and I am no longer afraid, as I have FibroidClear in my bag at all times!
Achille Nigeria
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You see, God sent who wants to share with you a list of herbs scientifically proven – by doctors, scientists and medical researchers – to reduce fibroids in size, and reduce the symptoms of fibroids rapidly.
Here’s what it’s all about:
It’s common knowledge amongst medical professionals that the key cause of uterine fibroids is a hormonal imbalances.
Clinical studies indicate that fibroids are aggravated by an excess of estrogen in the body, and that f ibroids can be shrunk effectively simply by getting the estrogen levels back into balance.
While there are many drugs on the market that work on hormone levels, they all have side effects. Some of these side effects are dangerous such as increased risk of ovarian cancer with Clomid and Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome.
Thankfully there are natural alternatives to these drugs. Herbs that have been used for hundreds (and in some cases thousands) of years to help women with menstrual disorders such as heavy bleeding, painful periods, uterine cramping, and fibroids.
What’s more, modern research has confirmed that these herbs work, and double-blind clinical studies put the herbs through the strictest and most vigorous testing, and have also confirmed these herbs help you conceive faster.
for this reson i will like to:
FIBROID CLEANS Research into the natural world across the globe has discovered natural Supplements that shrink fibroids without surgery. It is made up of strictly natural ingredients. It has no negative side effects and detoxifies you as well. These Supplements are 100% natural without negative side effect. These Supplements are what form our fibroids solution kit.
Which detoxifies and aids digestive health, it also cleanses the entire urinary tract system, prevents bacteria from adhering to bladder cells. Contain anticancer properties. Good for the kidneys, bladder and skin
The dietary use of garlic and thyme has been traced back thousands of years. An Egyptian papyrus dating from 1,500BC listed 22 healthy uses for garlic. Today, we are starting to understand how they work.
Garlic and thyme, the two powerful antioxidants found in Forever Garlic-Thyme®, combine to create a great tool in maintaining good health. When garlic is cut or crushed, enzymes react to produce a powerful immune-enhancing agent. Studies have shown that garlic’s other ingredients help the metabolism convert fats to energy and protect the body against free radicals. Thyme contains saponins and other beneficial antioxidant substances.
· Powerful antioxidant
· Odorless, softgel capsule
· Helps protect the body against free radicals
· Helps support the conversion of fats to energy
New and improved Forever Arctic Sea® now contains a proprietary blend of DHA-rich Calamari Oil, ultra-pure Omega-3 Fish Oil and High Oleic Olive Oil. This unique blend is exclusive to Forever Living and provides not only 33% more DHA per day, but creates the perfect balance of DHA and EPA for optimal health and wellness.
· Custom Omega-3 ratio to mimic a diet rich in seafood
· All-natural citrus flavor for a pleasant aroma and minimal fishy flavor
· Ocean friendly and responsibly sourced •
· Pure source of EPA and DHA
Daily vitamin C has long been associated with good health. Science now provides us with a whole list of benefits derived from this most famous of all vitamins:
· It is a powerful antioxidant, forming part of the body’s defense system against the harmful effects of free radicals.
· It is a beneficial supplement for the skin, as it supports the formation of intercellular collagen
· It is necessary for the maintenance of healthy connective tissue.
A fruit used in ancient China for centuries, lycium has been shown to enhance the complexion and help maintain energy and good vision. Forever Lycium Plus® is a dietary supplement containing antioxidants, bioflavonoids and other beneficial phytonutrients.
Lycium is known in China as a “yin tonic”, with many traditional uses for maintaining good health. Licorice is considered to be the most widely used herb in China. It is made up of over 150 different compounds, which have been shown to have many beneficial effects. Its most frequent use by far is as a complementary herb, with its main function being to bring out the best beneficial effects of other herbs. This makes it an ideal companion for lycium. Licorice Flavonoid Extract is a concentrated form of licorice bioflavonoids. It is produced according to a process that removes most of the glycyrrhizin, an intensely sweet component of licorice that has been shown to produce undesirable side effects. Based on modern studies, licorice bioflavonoids are among the strongest antioxidants discovered to date.
When we think of bees, honey and pollen are foremost in our thoughts. Yet another important substance, propolis, is a sticky resin collected by bees. Honeybees collect and metabolize the propolis, then line their hives with it to protect the hive. It’s so effective, the interior of the bee hive has been found to be safer than most operating rooms. The name Propolis is derived from the Greek meaning “before the city,” signifying that propolis defended the entire community from external threat. Propolis has a 5000-year history. The Assyrians and the Greeks used propolis to help maintain good health. Fortified with royal jelly, Forever Bee Propolis® is an excellent way to help support the body’s natural defenses.
Forever Bee Propolis® is gathered from pollution-free regions. To further assure purity, specially designed bee propolis collectors are used. Forever Bee Propolis® is 100% natural with no added preservatives or artificial colors.
· Natural immune support
· Fortified with Royal Jelly
· 100% Natural
These above six (6) products combination made up our Fibroid Solution Kit will be taken morning and evening before or after food depending on how you want it. During this period, your Overall Health and Genital System will be greatly improved. Honestly, a trial of Fibroids Solution Kit will surely make you smile. You can’t wait to get rid of fibroid and be pregnant naturally and solve your infertility problems Do not continue to undergo the psychological torture having tried without success. Now you have a big chance to turn around your situation, and you can finally raise your kids and live happily together. and if you don't have plan of having children live in good health
So, what makes “FIBROIDS SOLUTION KIT" safe to use and why do I even recommend it for you?
The answer is simple!
The above products combination has the prestigious KOSHER SEAL/ APPROVER (which make them acceptable to the Jews. The Jews don’t take anything that isn’t 100% natural. Infact, they don’t even take bread with yeast! They believe in no additives.
They also have other seals including the seal ofINTERNATIONAL ALOE SCIENCE COUNCIL, HALAL AND ISLAMIC SEALS/ APPROVER these are seals of highest form of purity including our own NAFDAC in Nigeria.
So if you are saying: “okay Abiodun, I am convinced but how much is it going to cost me to get Fibrod Kit delivered to me at my doorstep?”
Now let me ask you a question: What is your value for getting your self- confidence back and your self worth and making you and your partner happy again
Have you ever taken time to think about it... if you finally grab this Most Effective, result oriented Natural Fibroid Solution Therapy and you are finally able to Treat All Forms of Fibroid. you start living your live without pain.
For all other forms of female infertility and males like the low sperm count, poor sperm motility, premature ejaculation, poor sexual drive, the FERTILITY BOOSTER FOR WOMEN and PROHEALTH FOR MEN is also available
This simply means...With this FIBROIDS SOLUTION KIT you can:
■- Dissolves all type of fibroids inside or outside the womb
■- Dissolves all type of fibroids inside or outside the womb
■- Anti-Tumor and Anti-Inflammatory
■- Shrink uterine fibroid effectively and prevent recurrence
■- Inhibit growths of fibroid cell/tissue and restores uterine health
■- Tones the uterine lining, heal adenomyosis and normalizebulky/enlarge uterus
■- 100% natural without negative side effects.
■- Reduces blood clotting, bloating, pressure, cramps and PMS (Premenstrual Menstrual Syndrome)
■- Regulates menstrual flow
■- Helps balance hormones levels, boost fertility
■- Potent detox abilities to help relieve pelvic congestion, abdominal heaviness and stagnation, which cause large fibroid to shrink rapidly.
Before you answer that question, I want you Here’s what some of my clients who have taken FibroidClear have to say about it even Medical doctors:
FibroidClear Saved Me From Blood Transfusions And A Hysterectomy !
I am 45 yeas old, and I have a large fibroid in the center of my uterus. It has caused me a lot of problems, including heavy blood loss. I used to use 2 packs of sanitary pads in the first 2 days of my period.
The cramps were so painful. They were out of the ordinary, and the cramps lasted even after my cycle ended. I couldn't concentrate at work because of the dizziness and nausea caused by the heavy bleeding, and when I stood up, it felt like lumps were falling out of me.
The bleeding got so bad, when I went for a blood test, my doctor told me my iron had gone down to 6.5 and I would need immediate surgery.
The success rates of the myomectomy was not guaranteed, so if it didn't work, I would have to have a hysterectomy.
I was scared about the surgery, and my preacher and I prayed for an answer, and the Lord guided me to your website. I ordered FibroidClear and it took just 3 days to get to me.
After taking FibroidClear for a few days, I could feel the difference. My energy levels improved, the bleeding was much less and the cramping was much less.
My iron levels have shot up already and I believe the fibroid is starting to shrink. It has saved me from surgery, and it's a miracle sent by God.
I have recommended it to my sister, and she is taking it now. I just wish I had known about it earlier to save other women from surgery.
Rachel Yewande, Lagos | |||
An Affordable Way To Get Rid Of Fibroids
Last December my doctor found 5 small fibroids in my uterus, and said I needed to remove them to have a baby.
The trouble is, I'm self-employed without health insurance and the costs of surgery are huge. I had to find another alternative way, and my cousin in Lagos sent me Fibroid Clean Pack.
I've taken it for 4 months, and combined it with some massage techniques and last time I visited my doctor he couldn't find a trace of the fibroids! We're now trying for a baby, thanks to those wonderful Surpliments!
Anonymous, Abeokuta
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60% Shrinkage In 3 Months!
I've had 3 surgeries on fibroids over the years, and they keep on growing back. I was scheduled for a 4th and I just knew it would end up the same, so I took Amina's herbs to balance my hormones and after 3 months they have shrunk 60%.
The surgery is now canceled, my periods are now much lighter and I feel like I have finally found a workable solution.
Rosemary James, Lagos
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I No Longer Look Pregnant
Huge fibroids are a nuisance. I had one that made me look like I was 5 months pregnant. I'm a size 8 and I look out of proportion with this bulge. Not only that, but I'm spotting in between periods, and when I do get a period, it's like Niagra Falls!
I've only been taking the Surpliments for 6 weeks, but the spotting is gone and my last period was much more bearable. My "bulge" is a little smaller, and people keep asking me whether I have lost weight.
Keep up the good work!
Mummy Dammy, Lagos
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My Sex Life Is Much Improved
Recently I've had a lot of pain during sex, and I had an ultrasound which showed two VERY LARGE fibroids. That explains why I felt bloated and a constant dull ache in my pelvic region.
The FibroidClear supplements have really helped me a lot. Sex is now enjoyable again and my partner and I are closer than ever. The pain and bloating has also gone too.
I will let you know what happens at my next ultrasound.
Eva, Nigeria
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N60,000 only! This Discounted Price, Open while stock last. You are just Damn Lucky! We have decided to keep this Offer Open; and it may end anytime soon;
Therefore; Anyone interested after the duration of this offer might have to pay up to #72,000
Again, I'm giving you a chance to get it at the low price of N60,000 for this discount period. After which the price will go up to its normal retail price of N72,000.So don't waste time! So your limited timed price for the next few days is only N60,000. What are you waiting for?
Here Is How To Order For FibroidCleans Pack
Here Is How to Order for Fibroids Solution Kit Pack Use any convenient out of the Two Ordering
Options Below to take Advantage of this Special Offer
Option 1
Cash on Delivery Service, in States Capital Cities in Nigeria
Take Advantage of this Special Offer Through Our Pay on Delivery Service. Fibroids Solution Kit will be delivered to our choice address Nationwide, and you will pay our courier team upon delivery, Fibroids Solution Kit can be delivered to Your Office or House Address on Payment on Delivery. Order Your Pack Now, Send the Following Information:
1. Your Full Name
2. Your Full House or Office Address
3. Your Choice Date Of Delivery
4. Phone Number of the Recipient
5. Your email address
SMS or Whatsapp: 08027713500, or SMS: 08170589809
Option 2
To take advantage of this special offer, Pay CASH or Do Online/internet Transfer of ₦57,000 into bank accountsdetails below and follow the instructions thereafter:
Bank Name – GT Bank
Account Name – Farounbi Abiodun J
Account Number – 0016376550
Account Type – Saving Account
Bank Name – Sterling Bank Plc
Account Name – Farounbi Abiodun J
Account Number – 0009564122
Account Type – Current Account
After making the payment, make sure you send your payment details to me; SMS or Whatsapp: 08027713500, or SMS:08170589809
The heading should be " Fibroids Solution Kit Pack ". The payment details you are to send are:
1. Your Full Name
2. Amount paid
3. Teller Number (No need for this if you paid via internet banking)
4. Date of Payment
5. Your Phone Number
6. Your email address
As soon as your payment is confirmed from the bank, your Fibroids Solution Kit Pack will be processed for delivery immediately.
Please Note : As soon as your payment is confirmed, you will receive an SMS acknowledgment from me. Your Package will be delivered to your doorstep through a courier service within 2 to 5 working days!
You have My 100% No Nonsense, Iron Clad, Satisfaction Guarantee.
I'm sure you might have tried a lot of things in an attempt to get rid of your Fibroid/infertility Problems and The Result Were Always The Same. No Success! Nothing to show for it. I am 100% confident that Fibroids Solution Kit will work for you, and I say, go ahead and get it. You see, I can make an Iron – Clad Guarantee like this because I know Fibroids Solution Kit will work for you.
Don't forget, not only I am giving up 17% Discount to deliver to you this Amazing Natural Products Combination, but I've also used these same program to help other people make a ton of Transformation in their life. If You Reside or have friends who reside in LAGOS, Fibroids Solution Kit will be Delivered to their Office or Home Address on Payment on Delivery. So just order your pack now to become the next testifier.
Here's the bottom line - this is on sale for a few days only, then I'm closing it permanently. No hype, no marketing tricks, when it's gone, it's gone for good. If you don't pull the trigger on this right now, you'll miss out. Before you make your final decision, please ask yourself - "What if Abiodun was right?" Dear friend, for how long will you be strugling with your fibroid interferance with your genital health, while those who grasp this privilege now will see an amazing transformation in their life.
Foods to Avoid With Fibroids on the Uterus
Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that can invade the female reproductive system. Most often fibroids occur during the middle to late childbearing years. They are often non-symptomatic but occasionally can cause extreme pain. Fibroids can also hinder fertility in many women. Surgery that removes the fibroids or the extreme uterus can be performed, but many women choose to treat the condition with natural methods, including nutrition. There are certain foods to avoid when you suffer from uterine fibroids.
Foods high in saturated fats should not be consumed by fibroid patients. These fats can raise the estrogen level, which allows fibroids to grow larger. These foods are also hard on the liver, making it difficult for the body to break down and rid itself of the excess hormones. Avoid bacon, sausage, egg yolks, avocados and high-fat processed snacks such as cookies and pastries, which are loaded with saturated fats.
Red meat from mammals and duck are not recommended for those with fibroids. These foods are likely to be high in added hormones, including estrogen. Eat lean white meat for a protein source instead.
Women with fibroid tumors are encouraged to limit consumption of high-fat dairy products such as whole milk, cream and butter. These products are often high in added hormones that can feed your tumors. Opt for organic hormone-free products for your dairy consumption.
Beverages containing caffeine are on the list of foods to avoid when you have fibroids on your uterus. William E. Richardson of the Atlanta Clinic of Preventative Medicine warns against drinking these beverages due to their high level of methylanthins which, in turn, cause a high level of biochemicals in the body that can form tumors. Stay away from caffeinated sodas, tea, chocolate and coffee. According to Dr. Andrew Weil, coffee beans are often sprayed with the chemical DDT.
Limit the amount of highly salted foods in your diet because they are hard on your liver. The liver is the organ most responsible for removing toxins and balancing hormones. Avoid canned soup, baked beans, pretzels, chips, pickles, olives and dried foods, such as jerky.
Lower the amount of "white" foods you consume. According to, these foods alter estrogen metabolism and can cause fibroids to grow larger. These foods include pasta, white bread, white rice, cakes and cookies.
P.S. - Right now, you don't have any excuse not to get rid of fibroid permanently, and eventually get pregnant naturally and solve your infertility problems Do not continue to undergo the psychological torture having tried without success. Do not continue in pains that can turn you to liability to your family. Now you have a big chance to turn around your situation, and you can finally raise your kids and live happily.
I wish you success in solving your overall health challenges very soon.
Yours Sincerely,
Farounbi Abiodun
Everyday Health Information
It is better to ask question than to remain ignorant. Therefore, do you have any question to ask or an enquiry to make? If yes, get in touch with me through any of the routes below!
SMS or Whatsapp: 08024455783, or SMS: 08170589809 or email
Quick Disclaimer
"FibrodClean/ Fibroid Solution Kit"is just a marketing name for the collection of different effective Forever Living Products that greatly work as solution for Fibroid Challenges. In case the products are brought to you and you can't find Fibroid Solution Kit being written on the pack, don't worry, it's still the same thing!
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